2023 ISTARI.AI Research Partner Workshop

ISTARI.AI data continues to be used in academia - a review of this year's research partner workshop.

Sebastian Schmidt
September 14, 2023


  • More than 15 participants
  • Institutions from 6 countries

2nd ISTARI.AI Research Partner Workshop

On 06.09.2023, the 2nd ISTARI.AI Research Partner Workshop took place at Mafinex in Mannheim, Germany. Scientists from universities and research institutions from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, and the USA were present on site or online. In numerous, highly interesting presentations, they were able to give us insights into their research with ISTARI data.

Johannes Dahlke, currently at ETH Zurich and soon to become Assistant Professor at the University of Twente, has used ISTARI data to describe the complexity of digital business environments. Lenka Wildnerova from the OECD presented her research on sustainable firms in the European Union.

Lingbo Liu, a researcher at Harvard University, presented a paper on innovation networks in China. More information on this topic can be found here.

Jochen Baumgardt from the University of Mannheim presented his research on digitalisation, for which he will also conduct analyses based on company websites. Alicia Minnerup, who also conducts research in Mannheim, was able to give us insights into the topic of sustainability, focusing on the importance of CEO characteristics. Sebastian Schmidt, researcher at the University of Salzburg and also geodata specialist at ISTARI.AI, presented a new project idea on the topic of networks of sustainable enterprises.

We are already looking forward to a new edition of the Research Partner Workshop in 2024! Learn more about our Research Partner Program.

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