webAI enabled a global supranational organization to predict high-growth firms.

In a nutshell

Thanks to our technology, a leading intergovernmental organization can now predict high-growth firms using a machine learning model trained on historically scraped web data, incorporating time-series analysis. This advanced model, developed and refined with historical data, empowers the client to conduct in-depth analyses and make informed policy decisions that impact millions.

What was the challenge?

Our client sought to predict high-growth firms and hired us to achieve this goal. We were tasked with scraping relevant historical web data and developing a machine learning model to accurately predict which firms would experience significant growth.

How did we help?

In the initial phase, we enriched a company list provided by the intergovernmental organization with archived website data obtained through web scraping. Leveraging this data and metadata, we developed predictors for identifying high-growth firms. These predictors were then trained using various advanced machine learning models to determine the most accurate and effective approach.

How did we add value?

We empowered our client to predict high-growth firms using a machine learning model we developed and trained with historical web data, incorporating historical trends and patterns. After identifying the best-performing model, we transferred it to the client, enabling them to run analyses on their data and make accurate growth predictions.

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