How webAI helped a regional association to map social economy key players in their region.

In a nutshell

We supported a Regional Association in identifying key players in the field of Social Economy across the administrative districts of their region. We provided a comprehensive list of relevant companies and organizations, including detailed data such as contact information, domains, and geo-location. This enabled a clearer understanding of the regional landscape and data-driven policymaking.

What was the challenge?

The Regional Association wanted to perform a regional analysis focusing on the topics of Social Economy and Social Innovation to identify key regional players and obtain detailed information about them.

How did we help?

We utilize a keyword list alongside our webAI technology to identify pertinent companies, higher education institutions, research centers, and other relevant organizations within the specific region. Our approach focuses on actors engaged in the fields of Social Economy and Innovation, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of key players in these areas.

How did we add value?

Following a thorough analysis of the local region, we delivered to the Regional Association a comprehensive list of key actors. This list included relevant keywords, contact details, domains, webAI indicators, geo-data, and other essential information.

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